Trademark Opposition

INR 9,699 /- (All Inclusive)

Protect Your Trademark from Misuse

Restrict others from taking the advantage of your business identity or creative assets without permission. Choose our trademark opposition services today.

Trademark Opposition

A trademark typically refers to words, symbols, phrases, and logos used by a brand to instigate distinctiveness to its products & services. It is an important asset of a brand and plays a vital role in safeguarding the identity of business in today’s competitive market place. The process of trademark registration in India is cumbersome and involves several steps.

Trademark Opposition is generally filed for opposing a trademark that is advertised in the journal by the trademark registry from registration. In other words, this tool provides a way to protect your trademark from misuse or restricts someone from taking advantages of your business identity or creative assets without seeking your permission.

In legal terms, Trademark Opposition means a legal objection to the registration of a trademark. This opposition is raised by filing a notice of opposition with the Trademark Department along with the deposit of prescribed fee. The notice of trademark opposition must be raised within 4 months of the publishing date of the trademark application for opposition unless anappeal for an extension of time for opposition is made with the Board (which is generallypromptly granted).

There could be one or more reasons behind the filing of trademark opposition notice. In most of the cases, a trademark application is opposed by a person who owns prior rights in a duplicate or confusingly similar trademark. However, trademark applications can also be challenged on a number of other grounds.

A few of these grounds are given below :-

Absolute Grounds

  • Descriptiveness
  • Genericness
  • Bad faith & fraud

Relative Grounds

  • Priority & likelihood of confusion
  • Bad faith
  • Business name, domain name, trade name and use
  • Well-known or famous mark

Backed by years of expertise into all aspects of trademark, TrademarkBazaar emerges out as the most sought after avenue for trademark opposition case. We have a strong talent pool and great domain knowhow that enable us deliver unparalleled services to our esteemed clients. 

Trademark Opposition Fees


Trademark Opposition

No Hidden Cost

Govt. Fee Included

INR 14,999 /-



Documents Required for Trademark Opposition


  • Authorization Documents
  • Evidence in Support of Notice of Opposition/Counter Statement


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Frequently Asked Questions


How to conduct a trademark search?

While registering a trademark, trademark search is the first step. This foremost objective behind conducting this search is to ascertain the uniqueness of the mark and its similarity to other pre-existing trademarks. Trademark search is an important and crucial step that should be given thorough attention in order to avoid any further complications.

Who will publish the trademark in Trademark Journal?

Trademark Registry publishes the trademark in the Trademark Journal.

Do I need to get separate trademarks for different products or services?

Trademarks need be registered for a specific product or service. A single trademark application can be filed to register your product or service under more than one class but the fees for filing under each class increases every time in the same manner as you have filed a single application for trademark under one class.

Can I sell or transfer the trademark?

Yes, a trademark is much like an intellectual property that can be sold, transferred, gifted or franchised etc. 

I am a foreign national. Can I apply for trademark registration in India?

Yes, a foreigner or a foreign entity can apply for trademark registration in India.

Is a trademark registered in India valid all over the world?

No. Trademark Registration is meant to be valid in individual country only. 

Which documents are required for trademark registration?

Following documents would be needed at the time of trademark registration:

  • Trademark Application
  • Specifications of goods or services covered in the filed application
  • Representation of mark in prescribed size and format

For how long, a trademark remains valid?

Trademark registration is generally valid for a period of 10 years. One should get it renewed after this interval.

How a trademark and copyright differ from each other?

Copyright secures the work related literary, artistic, paintings, films, sounds etc. whereas Trademark secures a mark, word, logo of product or service.

Who can apply for trademark registration?

Any individual can file application for Trademark Registration.


Do you have any Question? Call us on +91-9999-462-751