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Change Company Details With Ease
Modify your company related information with respective authority easily and effectively with TrademarkBazaar and stay confident.
At any point of time, the name of the company can be changed by its promoters. Some of the primary reasons behind the decision to change the company name include business model alteration, change of promoters, rebranding, and others. To change the name of a company, shareholders’ approval is a prerequisite along with approval from the Ministry of Corporate Affairs.
Process of changing the company name -
The procedure for changing the name of the company is delineated below:
1. Board Resolution – A board meeting is organized in order to pass a resolution in regard to the name change of the company. The agenda of the meeting would also be to appoint a Director or Company Secretary to file an application to the MCA to determine the availability of the propose name. In the same meeting, a resolution to arrange an extraordinary general meeting for changing the name of the company, and modifying the Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association can also be passed.
2. Company Name Availability – After the resolution gets cleared determining availability of proposed company name, the authorized individual can file a name application to the MCA. The procedure for name application is similar to that of the name application procedure followed during incorporation of a private limited company.
3. Pass Special Resolution for Company Name Change – After confirming the availability of the proposed company name, the special resolution and application for approval of company name change must be applied with the Registrar of Companies. An application for company name change must be filedusing Form 1B along with the prescribed fee.
4. New Certificate of Company Incorporation - If the Registrar of Companies gets satisfied with the submitted company name change application, the Registrar would release a new certificate of incorporation. Here, it is necessary to keep in mind that the company name change is deemed to be complete and effective only after the issuance of new incorporation certificate by the Registrar of Companies.
5. Changes in MOA and AOA – After the issuance of new Certificate of Incorporation, the adopted changes are also needed to be made in all the copies of Memorandum of Association, Articles of Association and Certificate of Incorporation issued by the Registrar.
Being a leading business services provider in India, Trademark Bazaar provides a wide array of services related to business incorporate, management and wind up. To change your company name, you can choose consult with our business professionals who are ready to provide full-fledged support in regard to your query. Schedule an appointment today.