What is not protected by a Copyright?

By Trademark Bazaar - 24th October 2017

What is not protected by a Copyright?

The representation of ideas which are either inappropriate for protection or is being protected by any other law is not eligible for copyright protection.  

Copyright aims at providing an exclusive right of usage to the holder. In order to qualify for obtaining copyright, the representation of the idea must be original and distinctive. Copyright can be sought for literary work, dramatic work, sound recordings, artistic work etc. However, the copyright does not provide protection to following things-

1. Copyright provides shield to only those ideas that can be fixed in a tangible form and not to just ideas. Thus copyright cannot be obtained for the speeches or performances that are not recorded or written. Further it can also not be obtained for chorographical work that is not recorded.

2. Titles, names, short phrases or slogans are also not eligible for copyright. However they can be protected by trademark.

3. Further the copyright cannot be acquired for information of public use as they are considered to be common property. Like height charts, weight chart, telephone directories etc.

4. Also, copyright cannot be obtained for facts. 

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